Back Pain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery: What Does it Mean and How to Treat It

Back Pain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery: What Does it Mean and How to Treat It

Back pain is a common occurrence after gastric sleeve surgery. In fact, it is one of the most common complaints that patients have after the surgery. While lower, middle, and upper back pain after gastric sleeve may seem like a minor inconvenience, it can actually be quite debilitating and interfere with your quality of life. In this blog post, we will discuss what causes back pain after gastric sleeve surgery and how you can treat it effectively.

Learn more about what to expect after gastric sleeve surgery.

Shouldn’t Losing Weight Make My Back Hurt Less?

One of the main reasons why patients experience back pain after gastric sleeve surgery is because they lose a significant amount of weight. While this may seem like it would make your back hurt less, the reality is that it can actually put a lot of strain on your spine and muscles. When you lose weight, your body starts to break down fat and muscle for energy. This can lead to a loss of muscle mass, which can then lead to back pain.

In addition, the muscles have likely been under a lot of stress for many years, supporting excess weight. Suddenly being able to relax a bit can cause reactive pain until the muscles adjust.

How Can I Treat My Back Pain After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to treat your back pain after gastric sleeve surgery. First, it is important to understand that this is a common problem and you are not alone. Many patients experience back pain after surgery, but the good news is that it is usually temporary and will resolve on its own with time.

If you are still experiencing back pain after a few weeks, there are several things that you can do to help ease the pain. First, make sure that you are getting enough sleep and rest after the surgery. It is also important to keep your muscles strong by doing some gentle exercises like walking or swimming. If your back pain is severe, you may need to take some over-the-counter pain medication or see a physical therapist for some hands-on treatment.


Back pain after gastric sleeve surgery is a common occurrence, but it is usually temporary and will resolve on its own with time. If you are still experiencing back pain after a few weeks, talk to your doctor. And if you haven’t scheduled your surgery yet, talk to us about gastric sleeve surgery in West Texas.